MMX is a blockchain written from scratch using Chia's Proof Of Space and a SHA256 VDF similar to Solana.
It's main features are as follows:
High performance (1000 transactions per second or more)
Custom high-level VM for smart contracts (similar to JavaScript)
Variable supply (block reward scales with netspace, but also is capped by TX fees)
Consistent block times (every 10 seconds a block is created)
Native token and NFT support (atomic swaps with standard transactions)
Non-interactive offers for off-chain / on-chain trading (like in Chia)
Energy efficient Proof of Space (same as Chia)
Standard ECDSA signatures for seamless integration (same as Bitcoin)
MMX is desiged to be a blockchain that can actually be used as a currency.For example the variable supply will stabilize the price, one of the key properties of any currency.
Furthermore, thanks to an efficient implementation, it will provide low transaction fees even at high throughput.
A mainnet launch is planned in Q4 2022. Currently we are running testnet6, so the coins farmed right now are not worth anything.
Описание: RU | UA -
What is proof of space!? Is this some new kind of algorithm or is that what they call Proof of stake? where can I read more about it? ty -
All information is on the github wiki.
But what I managed to check is that the confirmation of the block and transactions occurs due to opencl instead of the CPU. This really reduces energy consumption and speeds up the blockchain itself.This blockchain is from the creators of the mad max plotter, which he made for Chia and Chives
Ivan Ivanov
@McEmpy Did u mean openGL ? So what about the process of creating new coins? Is it being mined or is it a deflationary asset?
@Scott-Shelby Using OpenCL is an optional feature for farming MMX. Offloading the verification of the VDF from the CPU to an OpenCL accelerated GPU (even a CPU integrated iGPU) can increase both performance and power efficiency.
During initial blockchain sync CPU usage will be very high in any case.
Once the blockchain is synced you will see these lines:
[Node] INFO: Verified VDF for height 239702, delta = 10.111297 sec, took 0.089002 sec
Which indicates that your full node is now verifying the current VDFs as they are received. Your GPU would now be used every ~10 seconds.
If OpenCL is not being utilized for VDF verification, you should see relatively high CPU usage across all cores every ~10 seconds.
If you are running a Timelord (the default), you will see high CPU usage on at least 2 cores in any case, even if your GPU is used for verification. -
@McEmpy Got it, sounds interesting, are you mining this coin or maybe this is in your plans?
Frequently asked questions about MMX Node
@Scott-Shelby SSDs are expensive these days, so I don't know yet. But given that this is a madmax, most likely it will be the most promising project of all on the HDD.